Saturday, July 6, 2013

Between the Altar and the Door

This blog post has taken quite some time to make it to the computer.  It has been on my mind and just as I'm ready to start writing something else will happen that I need to ponder.  Now you probably have seen that I am a runner.  I love to run.  However, sometimes my favorite part of running is when I am not running.  I love the feeling of accomplishment after a long run.  I do have to say that I use my running time especially if I'm alone to worship God and to meditate.  I solve many problems in my mind as my feet pound the pavement.  The hardest part of running is the time between my decision to run and the point I actually make it out the door.  There are a lot of thought processes that occur during that time...thoughts like "I really need to sleep", "it's really hot outside", "11 miles!!! Have I lost my mind???" 

As I think about this, my mind relates this struggle to get out the door to other life experiences.  It seems I can always tie running in somehow!  The truth is that we make up our mind to do things and then somewhere between that decision and the "doing" we lose our determination, our resolve, our "want to".  It sounds good and it's what we know we need to do but what happens to our follow through?  I believe it is fear.  I believe it is more specifically fear of failure.  I for one do not like to fail!  I have this drive in me that says "I will not be outdone".  I got that from my Mother.  But what if there is a chance of me failing?  Well, I probably will not try.  I know there is this saying that goes something like "to fail is to not have tried".  I also know that is true.  However, what if I do fail?  Well, contrary to my crazy thoughts, the sun will still come up.  Life will go on.  God will still love me.  I will still be who I am.  I will get up and try again.

Wrapped up in our fear of failure is the misconception that if we aren't perfect, we are a failure.  Wow!  I think this is what keeps so many people from reaching their potential in life and as a Christian.  I was talking to someone the other day about nutrition and she was about to begin an AdvoCare 24 Day Challenge.  She said to me, "one of my problems is that if I mess up, I think I've completely blown it and I just give up".  How sad is it that we do this same thing in many areas of our life.  That's why there are so many failed "diets", failed marriages, failed recoveries from addiction, failed fill in the blanks...  Somehow our society has painted a picture of perfection as the norm and if you can't reach that, you might as well give up.  You're a failure.  Not true!!!  The truth is those people who appear perfect to you are just as flawed as you.  The difference is they don't give up when they do mess up or they hide it really well.  Also we have to remember the truth in the saying "Rome was not built in a day".  It takes time to get anywhere worth going.  There will be days that it doesn't feel like any progress is being made.  Stay the course. 

I feel like I am rambling with this and not sure it is even making sense.  It sounded good in my head.  :)  The bottom line of what I'm trying to say is don't be afraid to commit to God because you are afraid you won't be able to do everything right.  Guess won't.  You will mess up.  You will probably mess up daily.  You will need Him to help you.  That is His plan!  He turns your mess into His message.  He takes your failures and makes them into your testimony.  Don't be afraid to take that better job.  Don't be afraid to make that life change to a healthier you.  Don't be afraid to put on those running shoes and start that can even walk some if you need to...:) 

Make that decision in your mind and have determination to see it through even when you have a setback.  Even when it is hard.   Pray and run the race set before you.

Enjoy this song by Casting Crowns


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