Monday, May 20, 2013

A'int Nobody Got Time For That

In addition to being grossly grammatically incorrect, I know this title is a bit odd. However, it seems to ring so true.  I came across it when my friends were sharing a funny YouTube video with me. It struck me so funny that I made it my ringtone. Here is a link:

Now that is some funny stuff but it is also true.  We get so wrapped up in our busy lives these days and interruptions to our routine puts us in a tailspin quite often. Probably like everyone else, I spent the whole weekend on the run. I had places to be and people to see!  This was the weekend for decoration where my family is buried. Some people don't have a clue what that means so let me fill you in. Growing up it was the day of the year I most looked forward to besides Christmas.  It was the day Mother would cook a big dinner, we would dress in our new dresses she had sewn and we would head to the cemetery to put flowers on the graves and see family we hadn't seen since last "3rd Sunday in May".  We would then head back to our house and share that dinner with whoever came and spend the day visiting. We might even turn the air conditioner on if it were unseasonably warm that year. I loved decoration day as a kid and if we got up and it was raining, my feathers would fall as Mother said.  Now, Mother is there along with Daddy, 2 brothers, all my aunts and uncles except 2 on Mother's many of those people I used to see decoration day are no longer with us but their graves are decorated beautifully. 

This year I had cousins who hadn't been in a while come and a couple of cousins I don't recall ever seeing so it was great fun. As we visited though I couldn't help but think about the ones who didn't have time for that. I missed them. Now, of course, there are legitimate reasons for most but it still makes me so sad that we don't have time to invest in people like we used to. My mother's sister was down from Michigan and as she pulled me to her and laid my head on her chest I was brought to tears because for a brief moment I felt the arms of my Mother around me.  NOTHING compares. I have time for that. 

As I pondered this today I'm sure God decided to jump right in there and see just what I do have time for. I have a very busy schedule this week because my firstborn graduates and then we leave on a cruise for a week and YOU KNOW I HAVE TIME FOR THAT!!!  But do I have time for divine interruptions that might come up?  Do I have time for a 40 minute telephone conversation with a client/friend who needs encouragement that goes beyond their financial question followed by a 1 hour visit from a friend I haven't heard from in at least a year but just needed to talk and maybe a hug followed by a meeting in Wal-Mart of an elderly neighbor from long ago ago who is widowed and probably just needed someone to talk to a few minutes.  Inside me yells "ain't nobody got time for that" because I've got work to do and I've got a school party here and a baseball banquet there and on and on but I never want it said of me when I am finished with this life that I accomplished much but left people feeling like I didn't have time for them.

Now, I am not the talker of my family; that is my husband and while sometimes I criticize him for it, I have seen him make someone's day many times by simply having what seems to be an insignificant conversation. I think that might be covered in this verse: 1 Corinthians 1:27.  I think I am so wise sometimes but God certainly takes care of that!  I won't linger here because admitting to Jason that I am wrong isn't one of my strong points :-).

What do I have time for?  I have to ask myself this often and make sure the answer is something that will matter long after the time has passed. 


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